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Wise, Wild & Free.

When did you get the idea that you were any other way; that your life was meant to fit into this pretty box; that your behavior, your voice, your career, your passion, or your healing should mirror what you’ve seen before? When did you start to believe that you are anything less than a completely unique and Divine gift from God meant to be shared with the world? I am here to support your journey back into alignment with the deepest callings of your heart and most potent expression of your gifts.


Welcome to Wise, Wild & Free.

A pretty box

I spent much of my life trying to do “it” like “they” did. 


It was no one’s fault. I made a choice. I made a choice to care A LOT about what boys(and girls) thought of me and my choices. I made a choice to worry about how I walked, talked, dressed, who I sat with at lunch, what activities I participated in, what parties I desperately begged my parents to let me go to. I made a choice to follow my peers in behaviors that didn’t actually feel good in my body or my heart. I made a choice to believe I actually didn’t need God, Spirit or whatever was out there because I wanted to prove I could do it all.


By my early 20s living in a fog, asleep to the most potent aspects of who I am. My attention, and effectively my energy, were scattered everywhere: stuck “over there” on the people and situations where I felt like I had something to prove, instead of “in here,” connected to my own body, feelings and present experience. I was constantly feeling pulled in a million directions and was emotionally exhausted from trying to fit in, be good, look good and hide what I really felt. 


By 23 I was exhausted and riddled with unexplainable digestive issues. I couldn’t make a decision to save my life because I was so afraid of making the wrong one. I could make it sound like I knew what I wanted if someone asked but, I started to see that what I said I wanted was largely based on what I thought would look or sound good to the people around me. 


Instead of being true to how I really felt, I was consumed by making sure everything in my life looked good, graceful & confident on the outside. 


After years of maintaining this facade I felt like I was shattering into a million pieces on the inside. I could feel myself becoming something I didn’t recognize. I was angry. My body was rebelling with random injuries and ailments. I was so far from the vibrant, adventurous, intuitively guided life I had once envisioned for myself. 


I couldn’t ignore this feeling anymore so I took action. 


I eagerly and innocently sought after energy healers, spiritual teachers, new diets and buried myself in books in search for the perfect formula for re-aligning my life. Although I was aligning with practices that felt more connected to my growth process, I was applying the same "get it right" mentality to all of it. Instead of seeking the approval of my peers, I was now seeking the approval of my teachers and trying to measure my process and progress according to whatever new age teaching I was studying or practicing. Funny how the lesson will come back to us until we learn, huh? It turns out, I simply had a huge misunderstanding of how healing and freedom actually work.

Breaking Free

Over time I learned this: 
1. Our life's work as humans is to heal from our past and let go of our expectations and guess what? There is no perfect recipe. Shit is going to get messy and uncomfortable. The process doesn't fit in a box and it doesn't even always make sense to anyone except you.


2. What you actually need in any given moment is between you and God:Teachers and healers and books and practices are just tools: beautiful, brilliant, supportive tools but the tools alone do not equal change. If you don't make space for your intuition, your Spirit to guide you, the tools fall flat or end up feeling forced. This is when we give up; we begin feeling broken, too far gone, exhausted and even ashamed that we aren’t further ahead.


3. There has never been anyone more equipped for your journey than you. I want you to hear this now: you are not broken, you are not behind and you ARE cut out for massive growth and healing. You were actually put on this earth to do this work.


Building your transformational journey on a solid foundation.

Experience the power of sisterhood. There is so much possibility to be discovered when we learn to hold powerful space without judgemeent or criticism for our wise, wild sisters. Let these 7 weeks be a reminder that you are not alone in your growth and healing, that it's safe to share your heart and that you are seen, heard and loved.


You always have a choice. Even when you can't change the external circumstances, you have a choice about how you see the world as well as how you respond to it. In our time together we will maintain accountability to our ability to choose how we are showing up for the work of this program and for our lives.


There is a high level of surrender, trust and humility required for real change to occur in our lives. When you get that you are never alone and you believe you are always supported by a higher consciousness and Divine Love, you will be able to let go of control in a way that would not be possible otherwise.


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